Within the framework of Color Management applications, preliminary preparations are made with MAC-PC computer, EPSON digital proofing machines, cromolyn and blueprint output controls and approvals are made, printing patterns are prepared and printed with KODAK CTP computer imaging system.
With our ROLAND, HEILDERBERG printing machines, 5 color printing, varnish, dispersion lacquer, UV lacquer applications, Coated, Bristol, Chrome Cardboard, 1st dough, Kraft, sticker paper, fantasy etc. offset printing operations are performed on materials. BILLHOFER In the hot cellophane machine, matte glossy lamination in screen printing, local-bump etc. Lacquers, Foil Gilding, BOBST, HEILDERBERG, BUSCH machines are cut and embossed in HEILDERBERG machines, box gluing processes are made in OMEGA machines.
Bristol, chroma cardboard Medicine Box, separator, Prospectus,
Bristol , chrome cardboard Window , American Lock , Bottom Lock Boxes , 1st dough , coated Instructions for Use , Coated on one side Magazine - guillotine and Busch cut beverage (Soda - Soda - fruit juice) and triangle cheese labels
Perfume, Cologne, Cream, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Lotion, household cleaning and hygiene products, Cardboard Bristol set cardboard, fancy boxes with separators, instructions for use, product stand, forex legs and feet…..
We also produce Printed products in the form of Wall and Desk Calendar, Brochure, Catalogue, Poster, Flyer.